Swimming and Relaxation

Swimming has always been a great way to exercise and relax at the same time. You can swim laps around the pool or do water exercises on your own. Or just float on you back and enjoy the cool water keeping you afloat. Swimming information below.



Hiking and Rafting

Hiking and Rafting is another way to exercise in a fun way! Walking or jogging up the mountain side with a wonderful view. Better yet sliding down a stream with friends in a boat rafting downstream. Both of these activities provide a lot of excitement plus exercise as well. Links to a few places below.




Circuit Training

Circuit training is a great way to get your cardio, strength, and core lean and fit. You exercise the whole body in a circuit from bench presses, to squats, to leg lifts, to rows, to inclines, to running on the treadmill! Below we have some circuit training material to get you started.





Linux refers to Unix and can be installed on a number of devices from pc’s , game consoles, to mobile phones. The development of Linux id licensed through GNU, which was founded by Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds.  Linux also uses free source, something that Mac’s do not use. I also believe Linux machines can run without a hard drive as far as Iknow.

Jamere Holland’s Facebook Fiasco

I do not agree with the coaches decision to kick Holland off the team. I believe everyone has a right to free speech. More than likely Holland and his coach are probably not friends on Facebook. Meaning, someone had to tell the coach about Holland’s Facebook post. The coach may have mixed feelings about the players post, yet should not punish him for expressing himself. Even if the player has faulted in the past, it still should not be used as leverage.


My Facebook

I like Facebook a lot. Facebook let’s you find old friends and keep in touch with current ones. It is very useful. I currently use Facebook and never knew how useful it would be to me. I found all the friends I used to go to high school with and those i forgot about found me! Businesses can use this to keep in touch with costumers. I believe there are business pages as well.


My Twitter

I like the Twitter service. The fact that you can see what your friends are thinking, doing, and vice-verse is really nice. The service is also completely accessible by most mobile phones. It can be very useful to people who are in large groups and need a place to meet, or to give friends updates. I’m going to use the Twitter service It may turn out to be a necessity.

CIS 120 6/22/2010

I am taking this class to expand my knowledge of computers and sharpen the skills that I currently have. I would say that I’m pretty good at computers as far as using programs goes and installing them. I would like to know more about actually creating the hardware though. I would like to be an engineer.